This needs to stop:
A 20 year old Indian woman got beheaded by her father because he didn’t like her lifestyle choices. He paraded her head through the village before turning himself in to authorities. The AP story points out the clash of rural Indian morals with modern life.
Even though the Studette website description and home page plainly state what our Studette message and intent is, I still get people who think it’s all about sex or how awesome I am. While I agree with the latter, our real intent is to get conversations started to help change the double standard of acceptable behavior of men compared to how a woman is “supposed” to behave. Women shouldn’t be dead because of their lifestyle choices, ever.
It is very sad commentary that it took me two seconds to find a recent story of atrocity against a woman based on her lifestyle choices. My own encounters with the duplicity of men slut shaming women has been confined to name calling and feeling less of a person. I still have my head. It is our intent and purpose in life to make sure all women keep their heads and use them however they see fit without prejudice.
You can help us in this endeavor by talking to your friends, calling out the double standard when you see or hear it and just being real with yourself and others around you on the subject. We will know we’ve made a difference when a woman can fuck or love whoever she pleases (responsibly, of course. Serial heartbreakers are bad, mmkay?) and no one says one thing against her.
Tell us what you think. What will happen first, equal pay or equal sexual treatment? How long do you think it will be before this site is unnecessary? With all the crazy laws trying to regulate women’s reproductive rights in the United States, we think we’re in it for the long haul. Unfortunately.