So. In the interest of satisfying my curiosity, please raise your hand if you have had drunken sex with an ex and immediately put on your bra, tank top, and knickers, while (s)he replaces his/her t-shirt and boxers, before falling asleep on the couch under the strangely convenient and pristine white duvet. Or is the pickled ex-sex being had through multiple layers of cotton? Am I in a pervy minority thinking that the only acceptable post-coital attire is a thin layer of rapidly cooling sweat? Hmmmm.
I’d say this doesn’t need to be seen large, and will fit a small screen just as well, if not better.
PostScript: Except for the absolutely ENRAGING pretext that a successful smart woman who splits with an underachiever will descend into a spiral of alcohol, dirty clothes, and drug abuse, and then slowly come to realize she’s a domineering bitch, completely deserving to be alone and heart broken, this movie is VERY entertaining, fun and silly. There are MANY incidents that will illicit loud outbursts of laughter, and it’s a perfect example of the evolution we’re seeing in rom-com. It’s no Meg Ryan/Kate Hudson special, and is in many ways a more honest examination of modern relationships for all it’s delightful silliness. The character work by the entire cast is rich, and if not for the bloody infuriating and far too easy pretext that a successful smart woman who splits with a chronic underachiever will descend into a spiral of alcohol, dirty clothes, and drug abuse, and then slowly come to realize she’s a domineering bitch, completely deserving to be alone and heart broken, I would have loved this movie.